Weng Chun

Weng Chun Curriculum of the Eternal Spring Institute
The Weng Chun curriculum at the Eternal Spring Institute is one of the most comprehensive
Weng Chun curriculums available today. It preserves the entire legacy of Fung Siu Ching,
incorporating the Tang family lineage, the Law family lineage, and the teachings passed
down through Dai Dak Lan in Hong Kong. This unique curriculum is the result of decades of
study, practice, and careful preservation by some of the Institute’s founders, who have direct
connections to some of the most senior and respected Weng Chun masters.

The Tang Family Legacy: Tang Yik Weng Chun
The Tang family lineage of Weng Chun, as passed down by the late Grandmaster Tang Yik,
is a central component of the Eternal Spring Institute’s curriculum. Tang Yik’s Weng Chun is
renowned for its focus on practical combat applications, basic internal power development,
and traditional forms.

Several key figures in the Eternal Spring Institute are directly connected to this lineage:
● Sifu Sunny So – The last closed-door disciple of the late Grandmaster Tang Yik. His
deep knowledge of the Tang family Weng Chun system has been instrumental in
shaping the Eternal Spring Institute’s curriculum.
● Sifu Chan Hoi Sun – Serving as the Honorary President of the Eternal Spring
Institute, Sifu Chan Hoi Sun is the most senior living student of Grandmaster Tang
Yik. With more than three decades of direct study under Tang Yik, he remains a living
repository of Weng Chun knowledge.
● Sifu Yuri Morelli – Like Sifu Sergio Pascal Iadarola before him, Sifu Yuri Morelli
studied directly under Sifu Michael Tang, the nephew of Grandmaster Tang Yik, and
Sifu Sunny So ensuring that the teachings remain alive and accurately preserved.

The Law Family Legacy: Dai Dak Lan Weng Chun
The Law family lineage of Weng Chun is another cornerstone of the Eternal Spring Institute’s
curriculum. The late Grandmaster Wai Chek Yan, owner of the Dai Dak Lan in Hong Kong,
where many masters met, was a critical figure in preserving the Law family Weng Chun
The Law family lineage as taught in the Eternal Spring Institute was passed down as
1. Grandmaster Wai Chek Yan
2. Cheng Kwong – One of Grandmaster Wai Chek Yen’s most prominent students.
3. Sifu Sergio Iadarola – Learned the entire Lo family Weng Chun curriculum directly
from Cheng Kwong.
This Low family Weng Chun system complements the Tang family teachings, creating a
more holistic and complete curriculum.

The Dai Dak Lan Legacy: The Chu Chung Man Connection
Both the Tang family and Law family lineages trace their heritage back to Fung Siu Ching
who played a crucial role in preserving and refining the Weng Chun system. Dai Dak Lan
was a gathering place for some of the most prominent Weng Chun masters of the 20th
century, including:

● Grandmaster Tang Yik
● Grandmaster Law Chi Woon
● Grandmaster Tam Gong
● Grandmaster Chu Chung Man
These masters frequently visited Dai Dak Lan to exchange knowledge and refine their
teachings, resulting in the development of a unique and complete Weng Chun curriculum, as
passed down from Fung Siu Ching.
The Fung Siu Ching Legacy: The Complete Weng Chun System
The Eternal Spring Institute’s Weng Chun curriculum covers the entire spectrum of teachings
attributed to Fung Siu Ching, making it one of the most complete and authentic Weng Chun
curricula in existence today.
This comprehensive curriculum includes:
● The Tang family system – Internal energy cultivation, practical applications, and
traditional forms.
● The Lo family system – Complementary teachings that enhance and complete the
knowledge base of Weng Chun.
● Dai Dak Lan influences – The refined and unified curriculum created through the
exchanges between some of the most important Weng Chun masters of the 20th

What Makes the Eternal Spring Institute’s Weng Chun Curriculum
The Eternal Spring Institute is in a unique position to offer a complete Weng Chun
curriculum, thanks to its direct connections to masters and lineages that preserve the
authentic teachings of Fung Siu Ching. Unlike many fragmented systems taught today, the
Eternal Spring Institute integrates the Tang family, Law family and Dai Dak Lan systems,
ensuring that students receive a holistic and historically accurate education in Weng Chun.
Key Features of the Weng Chun Curriculum:
1. Full Tang Family Lineage – Passed down through Sifu Sunny So, Sifu Chan Hoi Sun,
and Sifu Michael Tang.
2. Full Lo Family Lineage – Passed down through Grandmaster Wai Chek Yen, Cheng
Kong, and Sifu Sergio Iadarola.
3. Dai Dak Lan Legacy – The combined knowledge from Grandmasters Tang Yik, Law
Chi Woon, Tam Gong, and Chu Chung Man, refined through generations.
Conclusion: A Complete Legacy from Fung Siu Ching
The Weng Chun curriculum of the Eternal Spring Institute is a living repository of knowledge
that traces its roots all the way back to Fung Siu Ching. By preserving the teachings of both
the Tang family and Law family lineages plus the Dai Dak Lan heritage,Therefore the
Institute offers one of the most complete and authentic Weng Chun systems in the world.
This curriculum provides students with:
● Traditional forms and two men sets
● Internal energy cultivation techniques
● Chi Sao and Practical combat applications

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